Positive Self-Talk and Self-Esteem
In this post, I want to dive into a fascinating and important topic that affects us all – the strong connection between the way we talk to ourselves and our self-esteem. That’s right, I’m referring to self-talk, that constant chatter that runs through our minds all day long.
Whether we realize it or not, the words and tone we use when we talk to ourselves play a huge role in shaping how we feel about who we are. When our self-talk is overly negative and critical, it can really take a toll on our self-worth. But when we make an effort to be kind, encouraging and forgiving towards ourselves, it can work wonders in boosting our confidence and emotional well-being.
Your Mind Believes What You Tell It

Here’s the thing about self-talk: your mind is always listening, and on some level, it believes what you tell it. Think about that for a second. If you’re constantly telling yourself things like “I’m such an idiot” or “I’ll never be good enough”, your mind starts to accept those statements as facts.
Over time, negative self-talk becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You start to doubt yourself and sell yourself short, which only reinforces those critical inner voices. It’s a vicious cycle! As author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, “Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”
The Impacts of Negative Self-Talk
When harsh self-talk becomes a habit, it can impact virtually every area of your life. Here are a few of the ways overly critical inner dialogue can manifest:
- Difficulty being assertive and standing up for yourself
- Feeling undeserving of love, success and happiness
- Shying away from risks and new experiences out of fear of failure
- Struggling to bounce back from mistakes and setbacks
- Crumbling under perceived judgment and criticism from others
In other words, negative self-talk keeps you stuck. It makes you believe you are limited and holds you back from reaching your full potential. If this sounds painfully familiar, trust me, you are not alone. For many of us, taming our inner critic is a lifelong journey.
Flipping the Script with Positive Self-Talk
Now for the good news: just as negative self-talk can bring you down, positive self-talk has the power to lift you up and improve your self-esteem. When you start speaking to yourself with compassion, encouragement and unconditional acceptance, amazing things can happen:
- You become more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks
- You have an easier time recognizing your strengths and celebrating your successes
- You feel more confident putting yourself out there and going after what you want
- You develop a stable sense of self-worth that isn’t dependent on external validation
- You show up in the world as your best, most authentic self
Sounds Great, But How Do I Do It?
At this point you may be thinking, “Okay, positive self-talk sounds awesome…but how do I actually make it happen?” Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! With a little practice and repetition, anyone can learn to change their inner dialogue for the better. Here are some of my favorite tips:
Notice Your Thoughts
The first step to changing your self-talk is simply becoming more aware of it. Start paying attention to the words you use and the overall tone when you’re thinking about yourself. If you catch yourself being overly harsh or critical, acknowledge it without judgment. Awareness is half the battle!
Talk to Yourself Like You’d Talk to a Friend

When that inner critic starts piping up, ask yourself, “Would I say this to a close friend or loved one?” Chances are the answer is a big fat “No way!” Make an effort to speak to yourself with the same kindness and respect you’d extend to someone you care about. You deserve it just as much as they do.
Replace Limiting Words
Words like “never”, “always”, “can’t” and “should” have a way of keeping us stuck in negativity. When you notice yourself using these words, see if you can replace them with something more neutral and open-ended. For example:
- Instead of “I always mess everything up“, try “Mistakes happen, and they don’t define me.”
- Instead of “I should be further along by now“, try “I’m doing the best I can, and that’s enough.“
- Instead of “I can’t handle this”, try “This is challenging, but I’m capable of getting through it.”
Celebrate Your Wins

Make it a daily habit to acknowledge your successes, strengths and positive qualities, no matter how small they may seem. Did you push yourself out of your comfort zone today? Celebrate it! Did you make time for self-care even though you had a lot on your plate? High five! The more you focus on what you’re doing right, the more your self-esteem will flourish.
Embrace Self-Compassion
Spoiler alert: you’re human, and that means you’re not perfect. You’re going to have off days, make mistakes and fall short of your own expectations sometimes. When you do, extend yourself some grace and compassion. Remind yourself that everyone struggles, and beating yourself up only makes things harder. Instead, focus on dusting yourself off, learning from the experience and trying again.
You’ve Got This!
Learning to harness the power of positive self-talk takes time and effort, but trust me when I say it’s SO worth it. When you start showing up for yourself as your own best friend and biggest cheerleader, your self-esteem will soar to new heights. You’ll feel more capable, resilient and in control of your destiny.
So keep at it, even when that inner critic tries to get the best of you. Every kind word you tell yourself is planting a seed of confidence and self-love that will continue to grow and blossom over time. You’ve got this, and you deserve to feel amazing about the awesome human you are!
Let’s keep the conversation going – I’d love to hear how positive self-talk has impacted your own self-esteem and life. Leave a comment below and share your experiences and insights. And if you found this post helpful, feel free to share it with someone who could benefit from a little more self-kindness and compassion in their life.